Trinity's Food Pantry
A Social Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church
Current Needs
In addition to the needs mentioned below, we also have a changing list of special needs here, which may change do the season, weather, or anything else! If this list is blank but you’d like to contribute, just read below for the general items to give or how to help!
Nothing special right now, check back later!

About the Food Pantry and our Needs
The TLC Food Pantry is an active part of the ministry of Trinity dedicated to serving anyone in need of food and other necessities. The Pantry is located in the lower level of the church with entrance under the steps nearest the elevator and is open to guests on Friday mornings from 9:30 – 12:00.
By and large, those who come to the pantry have no way to cook and prepare food. To best meet their needs the pantry distributes a bag of ready to eat non-perishable items to each guest. Typically the bag would contain hot dogs, other sandwiches or a can of pasta, tuna or Vienna sausages, snack crackers or cookies, an individual serving of applesauce, fruit or pudding, Pop tarts or a granola bar and a hardboiled egg. Clothing, hygiene items (travel sizes), and miscellaneous articles are also given out as available.
The pantry depends on volunteers and donations in order to continue this ministry. Food items mentioned are always needed as is clothing. Men’s pants and shorts in smaller sizes are especially in demand as are t-shirts of all sizes, men’s socks and men’s underwear. Washcloths, blankets, backpacks or large bags and belts are much appreciated. Reading glasses, bug repellent (small size), Bibles and hats are among the items sometimes requested. Of course financial donations are always appreciated.
This ministry would not be possible without volunteers. If you would like to be a part of this rewarding service, come on Friday at about 9 AM and join us or just come to visit and see what the Pantry is all about. Anyone is welcome anytime!