Welcome To Trinity!
Our Sunday worship begins at 11 o’clock;
you can attend a 9:30 service at Hope Lutheran Church (1801 62nd Ave N).
Join us in person or online!
Come As You Are!
We are committed to creating a diverse community of faith: one that welcomes all of God’s children, with all of their diverse gifts and life experiences; that allows for the sharing of opinions, questions, and doubts; that honors the full spectrum of gender, gender identity and sexual orientation; and that works for racial equity and economic justice.
We welcome all of God’s children to be active participants in our worship and ministries. As a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation, we offer an intentional welcome to and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ community and a commitment to work for racial justice.
Worship With Trinity
On Sunday mornings we gather in a beautiful, historic, sacred space
to share our love with God and with one another.
We hear what the Bible has to say to us as we live our lives today.
We sing songs written last week and songs written hundreds of years ago.
We leave, empowered to make a difference in the world during the
other six days of the week!
Ash Wednesday and Lent
Ash Wednesday worship at Trinity is at 3 pm and at Hope Lutheran Church, 1801 62 Avenue N, at 7 pm.
On the other Wednesdays of Lent, devotions on the theme of “Belonging, Exile, and Community” will be offered at both churches at the same times: Trinity at 3 pm and Hope at 7.
Meet the Pastor
Music at Trinity
Listed Below are the Weekly Activities
for our Trinity Family!
Bert’s Breakfast Buddies
Wednesdays at 8:45 AM Kopper Kitchen 5562 Central Ave
Community Meals Program (On hiatus through Sept 30)
Wednesdays 11:30 AM – 1 PM
This hot meal is offered at no charge in partnership with Metropolitan Ministries.
Take the elevator to the 3rd floor of the admin building.
Food Pantry Distribution (On hiatus through Sept 30)
Fridays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
The TLC Pantry operates from the lower level of the admin building.
A brown bag lunch is provided. Clothing and hygiene items are also available.