Trinity’s Food Pantry
a Social Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church

The food pantry continues to serve an average of 100 clients per week.
Current Needs
At this time, we are in need of new men’s and women’s underwear, sizes: M and L.
We are also looking for a used or new dehumidifier and air ionizer to further enhance the climate of the Pantry area.
Trinity’s food and clothing pantry is open for distribution to the needy on Friday mornings from 10am – Noon.
If you visit the Pantry, you’ll notice that the outside door is now red to match the other church doors. As you enter you’ll see the freshly painted walls in our waiting area with the addition of pictures on the wall, a fan and pleasant lighting in the hallway.
The carpet in the hallway downstairs has also been cleaned as part of the efforts to enhance the atmosphere for both volunteers and clientele. The technician who cleaned the carpet had a personal connection to our Pantry and cleaned additional space free of charge. He shared the story of his sister who visited our Pantry years ago to obtain necessary goods during a difficult time in her life. While visiting the Pantry, she learned about AA St. Pete, and began her journey to recovery.
Several avenues are being explored to enable our pantry to become financially self-sufficient.
The St. Petersburg Free Clinic provides us with fresh and frozen food items for distribution to our clientele.
The application for 501(c)(3) status is currently underway! This status will enable the Pantry to seek a greater variety of funding sources.
God continues to bless this outreach ministry with committed volunteers. Yet we always have room for others to join us on Fridays from 10:00 AM-Noon;. If these times are not best for you, we could also use help shopping on Monday mornings. See Lynne for more details.
God be with you, Lynne Tallon